Birth Chart: Understanding the Planets and Their Meanings

The birth chart or Janam kundli can indicate important information about a person. Astrology involves reading and analyzing the planets, houses, signs, and nakshatras in a horoscope. A good astrologer has to comprehend the nine planets of birth chart correctly to make accurate predictions about someone’s life. A planet can be a malefic or benefic planet depending upon itsContinue reading “Birth Chart: Understanding the Planets and Their Meanings”

What If Saturn is Positive in My Birth Chart

Although dubbed as a natural malefic, Saturn happens to be the ultimate judge for our actions, which our Karma represents. It is synonymous with ethical soundness, fair play, career, achievement, and well-preserved virtues and value systems. It denotes people with foresight. Saturn in birth chart is normally malefic in certain placements. However, he can also be strongContinue reading “What If Saturn is Positive in My Birth Chart”

Effects of Ketu in 12 Houses in Astrology – Birth Chart Analysis

 Ketu cannot be good in horoscope always. However, it depends on the native’s zodiacal sign and its planetary aspect. If Ketu aspects a house from any Lagna and has a supporting planetary configuration, then Ketu will become a savior. If Ketu aspects a house from a particular Lagna, with an unfavorable planetary configuration, only negative resultsContinue reading “Effects of Ketu in 12 Houses in Astrology – Birth Chart Analysis”

What Does 11th House Indicate About Life in Vedic Astrology

Named as Labha House in astrology, 11th house is all about benefits and auspicious actions and results in one’s life. This house directly triggers the in-flow of gains and income. Talks about unplanned gains, profits, prosperity, growth, wealth and abundance, this horoscope house is concentrated around one’s success and prosperity. Thus, there is so much aboutContinue reading “What Does 11th House Indicate About Life in Vedic Astrology”

Importance of 11th House in Horoscope – Birth Chart Analysis

Success is the buzzword in today’s social hemisphere. The definition of success is very individual-specific. This subject has sparked hot debates from time immemorial. Is affluence a sure sign of success, or is it a powerful position that defines it? For years, one crucial determiner of success was overseas education. Nowadays, “do what brings theContinue reading “Importance of 11th House in Horoscope – Birth Chart Analysis”

11th House and Our Life – Wealth Prosperity Income and Growth

As we all know, birth chart is the blueprint of all the celestial bodies in sky and each of nine planets exists within a bhava or house in your kundli. Every house in your horoscope carries unique significance, and astrologers analyze planets present in the houses for giving predictions for specific areas. So, let’s learnContinue reading “11th House and Our Life – Wealth Prosperity Income and Growth”

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